When You need Guest Posting Services?

A guest post obviously brings a number of benefits for us. It is one way to develop your website and blog readership. It is no wonder that the business of guest post service keeps increasing. By writing an article on someone else’s blog, you can build relationships. You contribute to other blogs by adding value through a good content. The content can be bridge for you to build relationships and connect with other bloggers. This relationship can eventually bring you more blog subscriber.

Furthermore, it brings you an opportunity to get more followers, readers, and fans, especially if you are active in any discussion.

Moreover, posting a guest blog is good for search engines. The host bloggers will provide a link to your blog. It is called backlinks. They will increase your blog value in search engines so your content can be found easily by users via Yahoo, Bing, Google, and many more.

However, writing an effective guest post is not easy. For some people who have skills in writing, it is probably not difficult. However, for others whose blogs are more like online business with not really deep contents, it will be a quite frustrating to make a good quality content to be published on other blogs. In addition, the pressure and challenge is higher when we write for other blogs than for our own. If you have tried several times writing guest posts and failed, meaning that the posts were not approved, you can try to use guest post service while learning how to make a good guest post on your own.

Before discussing how a guest post service can help you, let’s find out what makes you fail in writing a guest post.

1. You don’t have a good track record in generating awesome contents

Many bloggers are very picky. They just want to approve great content. It is not a big deal when the guest bloggers have never written a guest post before but at least they have some in their own blogs. Such picky host bloggers will google your name and check your blog to see the content that you write there. They check for links and spams, too. They also want deep content which consists minimally 1000 words. That is why before writing for others blogs, make sure you have built good reputation for your own site.

2. Improper Links

Usually host bloggers will set rules about outgoing links. For example 1 or 2 links can be placed in a bio and 4 links should be in the post. It is highly recommended that you follow the rules. It is also suggested to ask whether it is okay if the links go to your site or even to the blogger’s competitor site.

3. The content is not unique and detailed

Most bloggers will not accept a blog spot with a boring topic or the one that has been very common to discuss. They want something unique and it is not a spin article. It is not easy to write an article with unique and fresh topic. You really have to spend more time and effort. The article should also be detailed meaning that there is no fluff.

4. The content does not fit to the blog’s theme

This is very important. Even when your guest post is incredibly well written, it won’t be published if it is out of theme. Both you and the host bloggers won’t be benefited from this. Therefore, researching the blog you are going to write on is necessary. For example if run a business on wedding photography, you can write for a blog which contents are about wedding inspiration.

Those are four major and common mistakes that guest bloggers especially the newbie ones often make. It is good that you are enthusiastic in learning how to write awesome and effective guest post. While you are learning, you can consider using a guest post service. Some providers are free but some others are not. It all depends on the services especially the quality of the content they create. Here are what such guest blogging providers can do:

High Quality Backlinks – Guest blogging services can create high quality backlinks. This will ensure SEO optimization. This will make users find your post easily through the links. Eventually you will get more visitors and subscribers too.

Targeted Traffics – Guest blogging services will only select reputable blogs with a very high traffics and the ones relevant to your niche.

Excellent articles – Guest blogging providers hire experienced writers who can produced unique, detailed, one-of-a-kind articles. These writers are trained on how to post a guest blog. They really know the tips and tricks to get the content approved. Not only are the content unique, the articles are also free of any grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors. They are really well-written.

The services ensure that the guest post will be approved and published and bring you, as a guest blogger, some exceptional benefits. However most of the services are not free. Usually one post costs about 20 to 30 dollars. Although the service is not free, it really can help you in dealing with making effective guest posts especially if you are a kind of busy person that has no time to write for other websites.

If you decide to pay a guest post service, there are things to consider. First, research the service providers. There are countless providers available online. You have to be careful in choosing the most reliable one. Find the reviews or testimonials made by the previous stars. Learn also from their website. Choose a service provider that offer 100% money-back guarantee. It means that if the post that they make for you is unable to be published, they will return your money.


While asking for the service, it is a good idea to work in making your blog in a good shape. As mentioned earlier, host bloggers can check and find out some information about the author of the guest blog.